Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Photo Dump: Bellinzona Castle


Pictures for you!

My lovely dorm. Note my pile-based organizational system. And my awesome hobo pillow, made of a towel and a semi-inflated beach ball. In a pillowcase. I'm a regular goddamn MacGuyver.

The view out the window is...a wall. An ivy-covered wall, but still a wall.

And here's what I could be seeing out my window. But don't.

Bellinzona Castle. Not the biggest castle I've seen, but it had its charms.

To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!

The rest of the orientation group. We're at a kebab restaurant, being served by a man who is either thrilled or horrified at the prospect of feeding all of us.

And finally:

Three giant knees. See, kids? Cartilage is powder blue. Science!

And that's it for this (belated) photo session! Yeah...this was actually three days ago. Sorry. But never fear, blogging will commence unabated!


Anonymous said...

How did you manage to leave your body to float to the ceiling of the kebab place? Near-death experience? Astral projection? Extra heavy garlic fumes?

DeadeyeDave said...

Second-floor balcony. Unfortunately.