Sunday, February 10, 2008

Carnevale: Epilogue

Well, the Internet situation in my room is still screwy. It seems like ONE of the two outlets works. Unfortunately, it's the one that my roommate traditionally uses. So I kind of have to fight him over it and steal it when he's not around. And, of course, the IT people can't POSSIBLY come on the weekend. So...

Anyway, in my grand tradition of bringing you up-to-the-minute news two or three days after it happens, I'll show you how my life as a jet-setting, raconteur has progressed. Only a few days after playing escort to all the lovely ladies, I was out puttin' on the Ritz at the Franklin College Jazz Night!

(Have I mentioned how many freakin' girls there are here?)

Yes, I went out to mix where Rockefellers walk with sticks and umberellers in their midst...oooooorrrrr where a bunch of coeds wearing pretty dresses got to stand and chit-chat over music for three hours.

So yeah, it wasn't the most thrilling event, but I got to dress up in a suit and tie (the attire was advertised as "Semi-Formal," which is just about all I can manage), and they served free hors d'oeuvre and wine, so in the end it was worth it. And I didn't even need to take a train to get there!

So I had a good time, out with all the molls with the great gams and hep young daddy-o's, although we had to 86 the hooch when the bulls came and and busted up the joint. It was keen, all right, real on the level, see? Now you're on the trolley!

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